Following their first ever trip to Andalusia, the owners of this old farmhouse were inspired by the sequence of famous landscaped exterior spaces at the Alhambra Palace, and decided they wanted to try and bring some of the same spirit back to their own home. They had a large but uninspired terrace that sat alongside their kitchen and asked us to come up with ideas for a reconfiguration, describing to us how the use of water and the sequence of external rooms, and the mix of formal and informal were some of the things that they had responded to most.

This gave us an inspiring brief for a new landscaping scheme to extend their home outside into a new formally landscaped area that incorporates various zones to catch the sun at different points in the day, different levels to catch new views and sight-lines, a fire pit, a central formal pool with rill that is fed from spring water from an old trough set in the adjacent hillside, and raised beds to soften and de-formalise the structure and bring the garden right up to the house.


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